On January 22nd the most amazing man asked me to marry him! I am still in shock! Bryan and I had looked at rings but I had no idea it would be happening this quick. He had me fooled and I was totally surprised. A few days before last Friday, Bryan informed me that my Mom called him and said she owed him a slight belated birthday dinner. I thought nothing of this, plus my Aunt was in town so I thought it would be a nice place for her to go. Bryan decided on Trappers, a nice steak place in Parker. My mom has mentioned she liked when Bryan dresses up so he said if I wore a dress, he would dress up too. I love wearing dresses so I was in! On Friday night, we got ready and went to dinner. We took a few pictures beforehand since the boys were dressed up. The Forrest men were looking quite handsome.

As we were going to dinner, Bryan told me my sister was coming down. I was excited to see her but I was wondering why my brother was not coming too. I chalked it up to the place being really expensive and my sister was coming since it was on her way down from Ft. Collins. When we got there I asked my mom when she was coming and she told me Quinn was sick so she would not be here. We got to the table and there were a lot of chairs. I thought nothing of it since my sister was supposed to come with my nephews. We took chairs away, and my mom told the waiter we needed 9. I said um, no, we need only 7. Again, I thought she was just confused.
We sat down and after our drinks arrived, Bryan said he needed to go to the bathroom and he was going to take the kids to get some candy. They were gone about 10 minutes and I began to wonder where they were. A few minutes later, I am sitting there, and the boys and Bryan come over to me. They have wrapped brown boxes in their hands, and I think, "Wow! This place is fancy! Wrapped Godiva chocolates!" Bryan and Camden get down on a knee and I am thinking nothing of it, just that they were bending down to show me something. I hear my mom say, "Oh, and she does not have her camera." I think she wants a picture of her and her sister, so I tell her I do have it and I turn around to get it. Bryan stops me, and the next thing you know, Bryan shows me a ring box, tells me that him and the boys love me, and asked me to marry them. (Still not registering that he is proposing to me.)
It sort of hits me and all I can do is say, "Oh my God! Oh my God!" Probably because the diamond is huge ;)
Camden is down on his knee too and he gives me a ring.
Then Torrin hands me a ring box. I am sobbing and in total shock (see unflattering photo). I am STILL in shock a week later.Are you getting the point that I was in shock?
My Dad came over and asked if I said yes, and I thought, you know, I probably did not answer in the midst of my shock. So here I am telling Bryan yes!
Camden was so excited and he came up to me. He would not let me go!
Since I was crying, he kept hugging me. I took him aside and told him I was crying because I was happy. He kissed me and told me he loved me. I told him this means I am going to be with him, Daddy and Torrin forever, and I was never going to leave him. He kept hugging me but took a minute to look down my dress :)

As the proposal was happening, I saw flashes going off. I thought people from the bar were taking pictures of us. I thought WHO are those people and would they email me those pictures? Eventually I saw it was Bryan's friends Chad and Carly. Bryan knows how important it is for me to have pictures of everything so he was sweet to have his friends to come take pictures. I love that there is a picture of him before going to dinner putting the rings in the car.
Here are some other pictures from that night. My Dad was actually happy although he looks highly annoyed.
It was SO great my Aunt was there to share it with us!
I loved having my parents there too!
But the best part was Bryan and the boys asking me to marry them. I am one lucky lady! I love them all so much! I can't wait to be Mrs. Forrest!