Wednesday, February 16, 2011


First of all, I suck at writing on this blog. I have to keep up. I need to keep up. With the brain fog, it will help me remember. There is so much to write about but can I find the time to really sit down and write without feeling bad about all the things that need to be done? The only reason I have a few minutes now is because Bryan is out going over the taxes and there is no one here.

With all the issues I have been having, and all the doctors I have seen saying my issues are all related to the jaw, I went ahead and got braces. Something I thought I would never have to do. I was proud I never had them. But if they help all this pain, it will be worth it in the end. Fingers crossed.

I went to the ortho today and began the process. It took 3 hours and it was interesting. Dental impressions which make me want to gag, and the sharp metal stuff on the inside of my mouth. I clench my jaw so I got two shelf like things behind the two front teeth, so now my teeth do not touch. Um, I learned that this is making it SO hard to eat. I am starving but even soft foods are hard to do. I keep hitting the shelves which are called Turbos. Cool name, not a cool feeling. The back of my teeth have "buttons." I wrap the rubber bands around the back and front of the teeth. You don't realize how you take for granted the ability to eat.- and flossing. This is going to be a challenge, but I pray every night that it will bring some relief.

It is funny how I thought my teeth were not that bad. Then I see the braces and the wires and it looks like a crazy railroad track. Who knew they were that messed up? In two years they will reevaluate the teeth to see if it helped the jaw. If it did not, I will need surgery but I am hoping for the best.

I go back in 10 weeks to have the wires adjusted. While we working on the teeth, I had a lot of sensitivity where I had my root canal. This has been constant for a long time but I thought it would go away. I have to go see the endodontist next week. Again.

I feel ridiculous, I am talking with a lisp, and I am feeling so unattractive. I think I might lose weigh though. We will see. More about something other than braces to come soon.


About Me

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!