Wednesday, March 9, 2011

After staying up at night thinking about how annoying those blocks that said "Photo not available" were on my blog, I tried something and it deleted them. SO flippin' excited. I tend to over think things and it took all of 10 seconds to get rid of them. Why I did not think of the solution sooner is beyond me. But they are gone now and I am thrilled.

Onto another topic. About two months ago something came in the mail. Something most people dread, but oh no, not me. What was it? Something blue and pink and thrilling....a jury summons. Many people would roll their eyes seeing this, but to me, it was if angels were singing. Kind of like when I walk into Hobby Lobby and Target. I had been hoping this day would come. I have been a registered voter since I was 18-it is about time. I take that back, I did get one back in the day but when I called the night before, the defendant did a plea bargain and we were not needed. Darn it. I had to postpose the first date because it was Bryan's first day back after our wedding trip. I picked March 8th and looked forward to that day.

March 8th arrived and I was hoping I would be put on a trial. Perhaps it is my love of all things crime related (disturbing? Perhaps, but it fascinates me to no end). I wanted to be on the trial and hear the Law and Order Dun Dun sound effect even though I know that would not happen. I know the trial would be something like people suing over a fence or something lame, but I wanted to get picked. I was supposed to call the night before to find out my reporting time, and I was so happy I was not dismissed before even getting a chance to go down there.

When I entered the courthouse, I was surprised at the amount of signs that stated no guns, knives, weapons and martial arts equipment were allowed. Uh, why would you bring those items to a court house? Seriously?  What kind of martial arts equipment? Nun chucks? Karate uniform? Colorful belts showing your accomplishments? I do not understand. I also wondered how much of our tax dollars it cost to make all these signs.

I went to the window and they told me they were not calling the 9:00 people yet. So I waited. Finally they called us into the room. We were given an additional questionnaire to fill out. It asked about what we do, what we read, how we learn about what is going on in the world, and what TV shows we watch. I am very honest so I sat there wondering, should I tell them I watch CSI? Are they going to disqualify me? But I wrote it down anyway.

I sat in the room for awhile. I was surprised at how people would answer their cell phones and talk loudly in a room of silent people. One lady forgot her daughter had soccer practice, she needed someone to go get her bag, etc. etc. We heard the whole conversation. One thing that drives me nuts is loud talkers. What drives me even more nuts is loud talkers in a room filled with silence. I looked around some more and I was in awe of how many men were asleep. It always amazes me that most men I see and those I know can fall asleep anywhere, at any given moment. I envy those people.

I did not mind sitting there. Bryan gave me the wireless card so I was able to connect to the internet. I had the time to sit there with no children, no disruptions, no nagging feeling of "I should be cleaning right now." The time was mine.  As the morning went by, they called people in groups of 25. They announced there were 5 trials, but then as time went on, they said 2 of the defendants reached a plea deal. I still had hope, but then more names got called, and my hopes diminished more and more. Finally, after about 100 people were called they said the remaining people were dismissed and relieved of the duty for 2011. I was so sad. I felt rejected. People told me I did not want to get picked, but oh, I did. Oh, and the cafeteria was having a special on pizzas yesterday. I keep telling myself it probably would not have been any good.

Being in that room and watching the video on jury selection and types of trials got me thinking that I should have studied criminal justice or maybe have been a court reporter. I can type like no other, and I am nosey so I would love hearing all the cases. I started thinking wow, that would be cool but then they said most of the time, it is electronically recorded which makes sense. I still think I will google how to become a court reporter. I might be bad at it because I would get so into the case that I would zone out listening to the evidence. I would probably say NO WAY! Or SERIOUSLY? Definitely not appropriate for a court reporter.

So there you have it. My disappointing day at the courthouse, where I was not allowed to bring in my drugs, knives, guns, weapons or nun chucks.


About Me

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!