Last night Bryan went up to bed before me because I was on the couch writing on this blog. When I came upstairs he asked me what I blogged about and I told him it was my thoughts on the whole Santa sham. I basically retold him the questions I had as a kid and the first one I asked was, "How would he get all the presents in ONE bag?" Bryan looked at me, and in a serious voice not missing a beat he said, "It is magical." I had to laugh. He said it so matter of fact that as a child I would have easily believed him. He told me there is a portal in the bag, and when he goes to a child's house, he reaches in the bag, and pulls that kid's toy off the shelf. Good explanation. Then I asked him how Santa can be at all the malls at the same time. Once again, he had an answer. He told me those are Santa's helpers, Santa's body doubles. They help Santa out and at the end of the day, they call the real Santa and tell them what all the kids told them. He said he will tell Camden that they do a conference call now since technology is far more advanced than it was when we were kids. I like his ideas. Below is a photo of some pictures of me with what I now know are Santa's helpers. Please don't be envious of my awesome shoes, my Winnie the Pooh belt or my fabulous "bowl/Dorothy Hamil" hairdo that I drew your attention to with arrows. The thing I find most interesting about these pictures is I am pretty certain we took both of them in Philadelphia, yet one year the miles to the North Pole is 764,192 and a few years later it is a mere 34,396. I guess I will cut them some slack because there was no Mapquest back then.
On a completely different topic, I love Scooby Doo. I have no idea why, but for as long as I can remember, I have loved this show. (Ignore that Fred looks like he is doing a really bad Disco move and the gang is mortified to be seen with him...)
Tonight Camden asked to watch the Madagascar Christmas show that was on the DVR. Megan (Bryan's sister) told me that she accidentally deleted it. Since it was on NBC, we looked for it on demand. No luck. Numerous times in the past, I have looked for Scooby Doo on demand since Camden, Torrin and I all love it, but I always looked in the Cartoon Network category since that is what it is always on, but again, no luck. Tonight I was checking out the WGN section and low and behold, 6 episodes of Scooby. Wahoo! Camden and I were so excited. As I watched it, I remembered how until college I always thought Velma's name was Thelma. When they sing "I know you'll catch that villain" I thought it was catch that fillin'. Not sure why, but I was certain of this. Now as I watch it, I notice something else I never figured out before. Besides the gang, there are only one or two other characters in the episodes. Why is it that I was always surprised at the end when they revealed the villain? It was always one of the other characters we had already seen. The only other character that was on the show, yet I was shocked. Kind of like how I never noticed that the Hulk was a completely different person when he got angry. Did I not notice that the entire physique was different and they looked NOTHING alike?

Oh the things I am learning the older I get. The completely useless things that I think about. Although I have learned the truth about many things I loved as a child, I am so thankful I did not realize these truths when I was young. I loved Scooby (still do, but don't even get me started on Scrappy Doo. I HATE that dog), I loved the Hulk, and the idea of Santa (although far fetched and completely unrealistic) was simply magical to me. So thank you to my family who never revealed the truth. I appreciate it. One final note: I am fully aware that Spongebob is not real, but that does not sway my love of the sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea. He makes me laugh and that is all I need to know.
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