Monday, April 19, 2010

Goodbye Sadie

When I met Bryan he told me he had two dogs, two big dogs. I am not a big fan of dogs unless they are tiny, like my niece dog Sophie. She sits in your lap and on the couch. She is simply cute. Big dogs+me=Not a good combo. I don't like dogs that shed, or that have poop the size of a small country. Here were Bryan's dogs:
Sadie is on the left and Corona who looks super angry is on the right.

As time passed, and I spent more time at Bryan's, the dogs drove me a tad bit crazy. They shed, they passed gas all the time, and they followed me everywhere. When we would watch TV, Sadie would put her head in my lap or Bryan's lap and growl as if to say, "Pet me you people! Pet me!"

About two months ago, I noticed Sadie having issues walking. She would come upstairs and slide all over the place, but I attributed it to the hardwood floors. Then in the past few weeks, her right leg seemed to be doing it too. Bryan took her to the vet last week and the doctor said it is as if her foot is always asleep (that is how it feels for her). He said her brain is not able to tell the leg what to do. He gave her some pain pills and said we might have to do an X Ray. We scheduled the X ray for today and then things took an unexpected twist on Friday night. She had not stopped panting for two days and she suddenly lost all bladder control. She was leaking urine all over and Bryan decided to take her to the emergency vet. He came back without her at 1 a.m. and told me she was gone. I sobbed. I really did not think it was that bad and that I would never see her again. Sure she annoyed me, but I was not expecting it. Plus I have never had a dog before so I did not know how to go through this. Bryan was sad as I was, and we worried about how we were going to tell the boys. The vet had said she probably messed up her vertebraes and she is in a lot of pain (hence the panting). She could give her pain meds but she should not go up and down the stairs. I was not there, so I am not quite sure, but Bryan made the decision to put her down. The MRI would have been $1,800 and then if it showed anything, there might be a surgery but it also might be something that can't be fixed. There was really no way of knowing. It was sad to hear.

We eventually fell asleep and in the morning the boys woke up and came into our room. Bryan told Camden that Sadie got sick while he was sleeping and she died. He burst into tears and it broke my heart. He asked Bryan if he was with her when she died. He cried and cried. So did we. Torrin did not understand. We decided donuts might make us feel better and they did for awhile. The boys went in their jammies, Camden wore Sadie's dog tags :(  On the way back, it came up that Sadie was in heaven with Bryan's mom. Camden said, "But she is dead." We told him people and dogs in heaven are alive and he then asked us when they are coming back if they are alive. How do we explain this to a 5 year old? Again, so sad.

Torrin asks us where Sadie is. He tells us Corona is sad because she misses Sadie. Corona was in hiding the first day. She is starting to follow me again, and seems a little better. We took her to get groomed and now she smells better, looks better and has two new toys. I think she is wondering why she is getting all this attention. She cries every now and then, and she looks for her sister. It still has not hit me Sadie is not coming back.

Last night Corona was on her bed and looked so sad. I started crying and said, "I miss Sadie too and I didn't think I liked her." Bryan found this funny. Camden has already asked for another Sadie. For now, we are going to stick with Corona.

We will miss you Sadie!

Later in the day Camden hugged Corona and said, "Even though you are stinky, we need to give you love because you miss Sadie."

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!