Friday, May 28, 2010

Dreams, Heat and Randomness

This post is going to be random, as usual:

I have been having a lot of weird dreams lately, and they are very vivid. The other night I had a dream I went to some creepy house in Denver and then at the end of it, Tom Selleck gave me roses with diamond earrings in them. Bryan was so jealous that he punched Tom. Why was I dreaming about Tom Selleck?  Then last night I had a dream I went to my parents house and they remodeled it really funky. They did not recognize me at first and then when my mom called to my dad to come upstairs, my Dad has a full on black creepy mustache. Why am I dreaming about men with mustaches?!

It is over 90 degrees out. I hate heat. Not nearly as much as humidity. Most people live for the summer. I dread it and long for the fall and jackets and sweaters. I am pasty white but I am trying to embrace the inner and outer Casper. I am white, very white, I blind people, but that is who I am. I also hate open toed shoes. I hate my toes. My big toenails do not grow and my nails are stubby. Not an attractive look if I say so myself.  I went to look for some new shoes today as the black dressy but sort of casual ones I wear are destroyed. I went to Off Broadway shoes and I am SO thankful I can't stand things between my toes, otherwise I would buy a ton of flip flops. What I am annoyed at is I am tall and I have big feet, so WHY must the 10 and 11's be on the bottom of the shelves? It hurts me to bend down to get them. Reverse the order. Seriously.

Time to go pick up the pizza. YUM!

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!