Monday, March 28, 2011

I am not sure what got in to me today. I took the boys to Hobby Lobby. SO many things for Torrin to destroy in that store. He loved touching everything. They also wanted everything. I think I will be going to that store alone for awhile. Camden was interested in everything, which I love because that store is heaven to me. After that I took them to Pump It Up. Before coming here, I checked the open jump hours online and they said 10-5. At Hobby Lobby I told them if they were good I had a surprise for them. So we drove to the place, and it said they did not open until 2. The boys had been so excited but then we were all bummed. As we were leaving the lady ran out to us saying we could come in. The field trip that was here was not as big as they thought. There was an empty arena. Wahoo! They have tables now for the parents and free wi fi! Wahoo! I feel like a bad step mom sitting here with my laptop, but I check in on the boys, I can see them, and no one has cried in the 30 minutes we have been here. There are only 2 other kids here so it is fabulous!

If anyone does read this, I am sure you already know that I chopped my hair off. I love long hair, people compliment me on it all the time which is nice, but at a certain length it does nothing. Nada. Zip. It breaks, it falls out, and I wind up putting it back. I had intentions of donating it to Pantene since they require 8 inches. I also planned on donating it in May when I had more length but it is right before we leave for Hawaii and I did not want to have hair regret before a big trip. Along with my braces, I would not feel too good about myself. Danielle (my hairdresser) came to the house and I decided to cut it all off. She asked if I was sure. I wasn't but I said I needed to do it. Thankfully, I looked on the Pantene site and read her what can't be in my hair. Well, permanent dye can't be in the donation hair so Pantene was out. Locks of Love would accept it, but that meant 10 inches. I did it anyway. My fear is when it was in the ponytail it only looks 9.5 inches. I really, really hope they can use it. Even if they can't, I sure hope they lie about it.

I have gotten a lot of compliments on it, but I am not a fan at all. I do love that it takes no time to shampoo it and to dry it is so simple. Yay! My hair grows fast so it will be ok. Bryan loves it so that is good. I just feel bad about myself more so now with the hair and braces. Not a good combo, but there is nothing I can do, AND it will grow back. When I feel bad about it, I think I could have cancer and lose my hair due to chemo. This is nothing. As I was thinking that, I saw this story online and it really made me sad, and grateful at the same time:

So very sad. I went to her blog and her and I write so much alike. We would be friends if I ever met her. I hope they beat the odds. I also hope something like that never happens to me or someone I know. Perhaps that is selfish, but there is so much cancer in the world and it just is not fair.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the process:

Mickey is trying to get Danielle not to do it :)

At least she had cute polka dot scissors...

Here I am the next day. Plus my first public braces picture!

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!