Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's 2010 and I am way behind!

Happy New Year 19 days late!  Time flies by the older I get, and I can't believe it is 2010. 2009 was an amazing year and I am hoping 2010 is even better! So far, so good!

Right now I am home with Torrin who is really sick. Pink eye and an ear infection. Poor little guy. I had to give him ear drops and antibiotics. You would think I killed a puppy with the screaming that ensued. So hard to hear him scream like that. He screamed when the doctor looked in his ears too. Broke my heart. Right now he is taking a nap which he desperately needs.

Some other things that are happening: I am on day 19 of no regular soda. It has been hard, but thankfully Diet Dr. Pepper is not all that bad. I crave a regular Coke and Sprite all the time but I am determined. With working out and not drinking regular soda I was hoping I would drop about 20 pounds so far, but unfortunately nothing has happened. Sadness. Bryan added me to his gym membership and I feel obligated to go which is a good thing. I need to be in better shape and fit into smaller pants. That would be nice.

The gym is an interesting place. There are the perfect bodies, dressed fabulously with their makeup on. I envy those people. There are the large people who I give props to for getting out there and doing something. The weird thing is there does not seem to be the in between people like me. The ones who don't have the best clothes, who are average in size (hopefully I am that). Maybe one day I will be the stylish in shape one. I am always in awe in the dressing room. That sounds like a perv but I mean I am in awe of the people who walk around naked. No, not at their bodies, but how free they are. No towel, but naked, AND having full on conversations with other people. Weird. One thing I do love about the gym I just discovered? The swimsuit dryer! 10 seconds and your suit is almost dry. Fabulous!

In other news, we had a great Christmas. 3 of them actually. We had Christmas Eve at Bryan's house. My parents came over, we had dinner and then Bryan, Megan, Tyler and I opened some presents. It is a Forrest tradition that you get pajamas on Christmas Eve. This year we got matching ones. Too funny!

Of course they are Disney ones! The next day we got up and had Christmas with the boys and opened their presents from us and "Santa." We then went to my parent's house for the craziest Christmas we ever had. 7 kids and 8 adults (although I don't consider myself an adult).  I have no idea what anyone got. I barely remembered what I got. Presents were being ripped open, paper was everywhere. One of the things I love about Christmas in my family is we have to make a gift for the person we picked out of a hat. This year my brother had Bryan. I wanted a Snuggie and Bryan said there is no way I should get one. My brother was aware of this fact and so he hand stitched patches on it for Bryan. One is a Camaro patch and the other is one with Forrest embroidered on it. So funny! Ethan got a fedora so Bryan put it on with his Snuggie. We look at this picture and we think Monk.

We had a great time at my parent's house. The kids did too! It was so much fun having my nephews, niece and the boys all together. I love Christmas! Of course getting Mikaya and Torrin together, there is often a sharing issue when it comes to 2 years old.

The day after Christmas, Grandpa and Susan came down and there were lots more presents! Even more matching outfits!

The boys got a lot of things and had so much fun! They LOVE their new slide!

New Years Eve was good. During the day we met my parents for lunch. Torrin loves his Nana and Papa!
We did not have the boys that night so we went to my friend Carolyn's house. Elliott has grown so much. She is such a sweet girl!

After Carolyn's we went to Bryan's friend's house for dinner. Bryan enjoyed playing Wii with the kids.
I had a great time just being with Bryan :)

We came home at 11 and were in bed when 2010 arrived. Perfect ending to a perfect year!

More later!


About Me

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!