Monday, July 5, 2010

Best 4th of July Ever!

I did not realize it was June 15th the last time I wrote. Seriously behind on this. Hopefully will catch up but for now, I will work with what happened this weekend.

On Saturday Bryan and I drove up to Ft. Collins. We hung out with his Dad and Susan, went through some decorations, sorted things, and then headed to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner. I had not been there in a long time. When we got home, I realized my phone was nowhere to be found. I know I had it in the car because I got a text, but beyond that, no idea. I thought it was in my purse since I did not take it out in the restaurant. Bryan's Dad said he would go to Ruby Tuesday and see if they had it. We called, they did not. I saw dollars flash before my eyes as I thought about having to get a new iPhone. Bryan suggested we go back to the restaurant, all the hostess people and waiters said they had not seen it. Our waitress saw us, told me she had not seen it while she was cleaning up, but offered to move the table and the booth. She found it wedged in between the seat. I was so happy!

The next morning was 4th of July (yesterday). Bryan golfed with his Dad and my brother in law Jeff. After they were finished, my sister and two oldest nephews met us for lunch at the golf course. Here are some pictures from lunch:
Lunch was a lot of fun! I love being with the Holder family. The funniest part of lunch was when we were sitting there, my sister said "Check out that guy over there in the fedora. I bet he knows how to party." So here is a picture of Quinn pointing to the guy who we think knows how to party. This entertained us for quite some time.

After lunch Bryan and I went back to his Dad's place. Bryan got ready, and then we headed over to my sister's house. As soon as we got there it started POURING. I thought it would pass as the rain usually does in Colorado, but it kept on coming. Our plan was to go to City Park to see the fireworks but that did not happen. Instead, we sat on the couch, read questions from this box Denise had, all answered it, and had a lot of laughs. Jeff made me a daiquiri with vodka which I had never had before, and it was delightful! It tasted like a Fla-vor-ice. It was so yummy I had three of them and could have kept going....
Bryan was a little close to me so it was bright. We kept answering questions and having fun. I love that my sister and I are both laughing in this picture. I wish I remember why!
While we sat around, Jeff got dinner ready. Steaks, corn on the cob, baked potatoes and bread. My favorites! Bryan insisted that I was tipsy, I said I was not. Then I realized I was doing this:

Yes, I was cutting with a spoon, not a fork. Perhaps I was feeling it a little bit. Everyone got a good laugh out of that.

After dinner, it was time to set off some fireworks in the rain. It was pouring so Quinn and I had our hoodies on:
Bryan and I outside. Our first 4th of July together! Crazy to think we had not met in person this time a year ago, and 5 months from today we are getting married.
Ethan is all about weapons and fireworks so this is his kind of holiday. Here are some pics of shooting them off.

Denise does not like loud noises. Nor do the dogs.....
Look at Sophie's ears. Love that! Corona hid in the bathroom. I put a fireworks package in front of her that had her name on it. She was not pleased....
Ethan was wearing face gear to protect his face. A ski mask.....two of them.

Bryan and I headed back to Parker around 10:30. We saw some fireworks on our drive home, but not too many since it was still pouring. Even with the rain, I think it was the best 4th of July I have ever had!


About Me

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!