Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Am I really getting married?

Every time I look down at my ring or I see "Engaged to Bryan Forrest" on Facebook, I am still in awe that it is ME that is engaged. Really?! How did this happen? How was I wedding dress shopping yesterday?  Sure, people think I am going a little nuts on planning already but I want to not be too overwhelmed, even though I already am. It is going to be hard not having hands on control of the planning since it is out of state, so I am working on the things I can control, like dresses.

Yesterday my mom and I went to David's Bridal. I was not planning on finding anything, or even liking the store since I heard it was trashy. I was pleasantly surprised. My girl was Amelia and I thought hey, I loved Amelia Bedelia as a kid, so I might like her. She was sweet and I really did like her. I tried on about 15 dresses, all which were so so. Nothing wowed me for a long time. I did find one I loved but worried it was too plain. I loved that it was under $450 but I was not ready to commit to it. It was funny because everything I thought I would love did not look good on me. Although I DID cry when they first put a veil on me. How am I getting married?!  It is all so surreal to me.

I stayed away from pricier dresses but then I saw one that was over budget but was calling to me. I tried it on and fell in LOVE. It is strapless which I was totally against but it is beautiful. It is in the catalog but looks NOTHING like the picture. I was shocked and in love. This surprised me because I did not think I would find one this quick. The hard part is David's Bridal is having a sale that was supposed to end on the 31st. It had been extended but they did not know for how long. The pressure of getting $200-$300 off was stressing me out. Plus, I needed my go to honest friend Carolyn to see it. She would tell me the truth. I called her and she could not come over but agreed to meet me that night.

When I told Amelia I still wanted to look around, she said to me, "Listen, when you met your fiance you just knew he was the one right? You did not go searching for other people did you?" I said, "No, but I dated a million people before him, and buying the first dress I love it like marrying my first boyfriend."  I told her I would be back with Carolyn that night.

In between appointment 1 and 2, my mom found out the sale is on until the 22nd. I then knew I had to go other places although I am pretty sure this is the "one." Carolyn still came with me and I am so glad she did. She thoughts of things I never would have, such as how it felt to sit down in it. How did it feel to dance in it (Thank you Carolyn for pretending to be Bryan and slow dancing with me in the store.) I tried on a few more dresses, she picked one that she thought would look good on me, and it did not. I did the same thing that day. Saw one in the catalog and thought it would be it, but it did not look good at all.  The last dress I tried on for her was the one I loved. Thankfully she liked it too, thought it was gorgeous and very pretty. So happy! We are going shopping more tomorrow just to see but I have a feeling I found "the one." We shall see!


About Me

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!