Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weekend Stuff

For the first time in a very long time, I had made plans months ago to go downtown with my friends and their spouses. Bryan was unable to attend because it was our week with the kids, but he told me to go anyway. On Thursday it was 70. On Friday it was windy, snowing, and super cold. Carolyn had got tickets to see Dave Atell at the Comedy Works downtown and as I drove downtown, in bumper to bumper traffic, I considered turning around. I called the club to see if they would reimburse the fee and they said not for this circumstance. Uh, ok.

What normally takes me 35 minutes took 90 minutes. Slow going and nothing faster than 10 miles per hour. Ah, good times.  Eventually I made it downtown, and picked up Mike and Carolyn. We went to the restaurant and most people said they would just meet us at the show. At first it was just Carolyn, Mike and their third wheel-me. Tracy and Andy did not hit any traffic coming from the north so they were able to make it in time. Me and two couples. Carolyn, Tracy and I talked about the kids most of the time, while Mike and Andy talked about beer.

I asked for a Diet Coke and when the waitress brought it to me, it tasted delicious. I knew it could not be diet. Although I have been off the "juice" for 3.5 months now, I still crave regular soda, and man, did this taste good. The guilt of even having a sip was getting to me so I sent it back. Oh how I longed for it.

After a few Diet Cokes, I went to use the restroom. Mind you, this is kind of a swanky, downtown in a basement Italian restaurant. You feel kind of fancy and mature at this place so I found it weird that THIS was the wallpaper in the bathroom.

At first you think, hey, criss cross pattern, but then you realize, nope, frogs. Ew.

After dinner we headed across the street to the show. Lots of funny acts, very raunchy, and of course I was near hecklers, as well as the very LOUD woman whose laugh was piercing as was her two finger oh so lady like whistle. WHY do they always get sat by me? These people and the loud popcorn chewers at the movie theater!?

Of course I had to get pics of us. I love this pic!

Tracy, Kate, Me and Carolyn. Friends for 15 years now! Amazing how long ago college was.

Kate's fiance Bryan, Tracy's hubby Andy, and Carolyn's hubby Mike were there too. We made them sit behind us :)

After the show was over, Tracy and Andy headed back to Erie, but since Carolyn and Mike had babysitters they wanted to go for a drink. I said I would join them so we went to a bar called the Front Porch. It was my first time in a bar being engaged. It was weird feeling like I did not have to try and look cute for random guys. It was also weird seeing how young the people looked who came into the bar. Mike and I talked about potty training some of the time. Funny how life changes!

When I went into the restroom, I saw this:
I found it funny that there were 8 toilet paper holders for one stall and for such a tiny bar. This is what we need in our bathroom! I also found it funny that the one almost on the end is completely out. Why did people prefer to use that particular roll?

After the group started doing shots of Jager, I decided to head home. It was super icy but I made it home safely! All in all, it was a fun night!

Hopefully I will post more soon about things I have been way behind on.


About Me

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!