Thursday, January 6, 2011

I found this article interesting. I will write more about it later :)

Huffington Post recently put up a story called You're Out: 20 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade. It's a great retrospective on the technology leaps we've made since the new century began, and it got me thinking about the difference today's technology will make in the lives of tomorrow's kids.

I've used some of their ideas and added some of my own to make the list below: Do you think kids born in 2011 will recognize any of the following?

Video tape: Starting this year, the news stories we produce here at Money Talks have all been shot, edited, and distributed to TV stations without ever being on any kind of tape. Not only that, the tape-less broadcast camera we use today offers much higher quality than anything that could have been imagined 10 years ago -- and cost less than the lens on the camera we were using previously.

Travel agents: While not dead today, this profession is one of many that's been decimated by the Internet. When it's time for their honeymoon, will those born in 2011 be able to find one?

The separation of work and home: When you're carrying an email-equipped computer in your pocket, it's not just your friends who can find you -- so can your boss. For kids born this year, the wall between office and home will be blurry indeed.

Books, magazines, and newspapers: Like video tape, words written on dead trees are on their way out. Sure, there may be books -- but for those born today, stores that exist solely to sell them will be as numerous as record stores are now.

Movie rental stores: You actually got in your car and drove someplace just to rent a movie?

Watches: Maybe as quaint jewelry, but the correct time is on your smartphone, which is pretty much always in your hand.
©Will D/flickr
Paper maps: At one time these were available free at every gas station. They're practically obsolete today, and the next generation will probably have to visit a museum to find one.

Wired phones: Why would you pay $35 every month to have a phone that plugs into a wall? For those born today, this will be a silly concept.

Long distance: Thanks to the Internet, the days of paying more to talk to somebody in the next city, state, or even country are limited.

Newspaper classifieds: The days are gone when you have to buy a bunch of newsprint just to see what's for sale.

Dial-up Internet: While not everyone is on broadband, it won't be long before dial-up Internet goes the way of the plug-in phone.

Encyclopedias: Imagine a time when you had to buy expensive books that were outdated before the ink was dry. This will be a nonsense term for babies born today.

Forgotten friends: Remember when an old friend would bring up someone you went to high school with, and you'd say, "Oh yeah, I forgot about them!" The next generation will automatically be in touch with everyone they've ever known even slightly via Facebook.

Forgotten anything else: Kids born this year will never know what it was like to stand in a bar and incessantly argue the unknowable. Today the world's collective knowledge is on the computer in your pocket or purse. And since you have it with you at all times, why bother remembering anything?

The evening news: The news is on 24/7. And if you're not home to watch it, that's OK -- it's on the smartphone in your pocket.

CDs: First records, then 8-track, then cassette, then CDs -- replacing your music collection used to be an expensive pastime. Now it's cheap(er) and as close as the nearest Internet connection.

Film cameras: For the purist, perhaps, but for kids born today, the word "film" will mean nothing. In fact, even digital cameras -- both video and still -- are in danger of extinction as our pocket computers take over that function too.

Yellow and White Pages: Why in the world would you need a 10-pound book just to find someone?

Catalogs: There's no need to send me a book in the mail when I can see everything you have for sale anywhere, anytime. If you want to remind me to look at it, send me an email.

Fax machines: Can you say "scan," ".pdf" and "email?"

One picture to a frame: Such a waste of wall/counter/desk space to have a separate frame around each picture. Eight gigabytes of pictures and/or video in a digital frame encompassing every person you've ever met and everything you've ever done -- now, that's efficient. Especially compared to what we used to do: put our friends and relatives together in a room and force them to watch what we called a "slide show" or "home movies."

Wires: Wires connecting phones to walls? Wires connecting computers, TVs, stereos, and other electronics to each other? Wires connecting computers to the Internet? To kids born in 2011, that will make as much sense as an electric car trailing an extension cord.

Hand-written letters: For that matter, hand-written anything. When was the last time you wrote cursive? In fact, do you even know what the word "cursive" means? Kids born in 2011 won't -- but they'll put you to shame on a tiny keyboard.

Talking to one person at a time: Remember when it was rude to be with one person while talking to another on the phone? Kids born today will just assume that you're supposed to use texting to maintain contact with five or six other people while pretending to pay attention to the person you happen to be physically next to.

Retirement plans: Yes, Johnny, there was a time when all you had to do was work at the same place for 20 years and they'd send you a check every month for as long as you lived. In fact, some companies would even pay your medical bills, too!

Mail: What's left when you take the mail you receive today, then subtract the bills you could be paying online, the checks you could be having direct-deposited, and the junk mail you could be receiving as junk email? Answer: A bloated bureaucracy that loses billions of taxpayer dollars annually.

Commercials on TV: They're terrifically expensive, easily avoided with DVRs, and inefficiently target mass audiences. Unless somebody comes up with a way to force you to watch them -- as with video on the Internet -- who's going to pay for them?

Commercial music radio: Smartphones with music-streaming programs like Pandora are a better solution that doesn't include ads screaming between every song.

Hiding: Not long ago, if you didn't answer your home phone, that was that -- nobody knew if you were alive or dead, much less where you might be. Now your phone is not only in your pocket, it can potentially tell everyone -- including advertisers -- exactly where you are.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I can't believe I am actually writing this much this week. I just want to remember things and since I don't have time to write them down on paper I am going to jot them down on here.

I also can't believe it has been a month since we got married, and a month until we go on our honeymoon!

The other night, somehow Bryan and I were talking about marriage, and Bryan asked me if I planned on going anywhere. I responded without thinking, "No, but you never know what is going to happen." I meant it in terms of no one knows what is going to happen. I have no intentions of going anywhere, or not being married to him. I tried to explain to him that no one goes into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce. Sure, some people do, but the majority go into it thinking the person they are marrying is going to be the one they will be with for the rest of their lives. So my comment was not meant to be mean, but it was truthful. I want to be with him forever, but I am not a psychic. One can only hope for the best, and work hard at the marriage!

The strange thing was, this morning I dropped Mikaya and Torrin off at their class and then Camden and I went to the playground. He asked me, "Are you and Daddy going to stay married forever?" I said Yes. He asked if I was sure because "some people marry one, two, even three people." I said I was not going anywhere and he said, "Yes you are." I told him I am not and he said, "Yes you are. Sometimes you have to go to the store and that is going somewhere." Excellent point. I told Bryan about what he said and he asked me if I responded to him with "You never know what is going to happen." Oops. I feel bad I ever said that as it did not come out the way I wanted :( I will never live that one down.

Another note: In 2011 I have a lot of resolutions. A lot. Not so much resolutions, but more of things I want to do/change about myself and my life. A huge one I need to focus on is to be grateful for the small things in my life. To focus on things that are going great because I do have a lot of great things. I am never satisfied-my parents always told me this and I hated it, but the more I think about it-it is very true. So for tonight, here are my things I am grateful for:

-Mickey only had one accident in the house
-I got some pictures of the wedding edited
-I went to Archivers and Container Store-managed to use three store credits on things I will hopefully use
-I had delicious spaghetti for lunch thanks to my mom brining her yummy sauce by yesterday
-I worked out
-I then went to Qdoba to have yummy Queso and some noodles from Noodles and Company
-We made it to one month of marriage (that was easy!)
-We have only one month until our honeymoon
-The puppy is super cute right now laying besides me as I type this
-I have all day tomorrow and nothing planned (except taking the puppy out-a lot)

That is all for tonight! More to come....


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

There is so much I want to write about today but I need to make some cards and get some things done around here before I go to bed. I also have a dog chasing his tail spinning around in circles next to me which makes typing a wee bit hard.

Tonight I made roast beef for dinner and as we were eating Camden said, "Dani, I love everything you make." He told me I take the best care of him and he really loves my corn (from a can but he does not need to know that) and my homemade pizza. Thanks Chef Boyardee! Needed to write that down while I had it in my mind.

Today I read a quote and it really made me think:

We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

Oh how this applies to me in so many ways. More about that another day.

I am going to let our puppy Mickey take over now. He has a few things he would like to say:

Hi! Hi! Hi!

My name is Mickey and I was purchased by Bryan and a very naive lady named Dani. Dani has never had a puppy before so I made sure I gave her those puppy dog eyes to hook her in. Then I did the ole bait and switch with her. More about that in a minute. Let me take some time to tell you about myself:

I was born on 10-10-10 in Wyoming and made my way down to Thornton, Colorado. On 12-12-10, exactly one week after Dani and Bryan got married, Bryan got Dani to come into the place where I was living. Dani had no intention of taking me or any of my friends home but something made her come to my kennel. I was hanging with a brown and black Morkie and she almost picked him up first, but no, I got her attention. She picked me up, and then took me over to the play area. I played it cool and crawled right into her lap. I licked her hand and gazed up and her with my cute face. She kind of fell for me right then and there. If she was going to HAVE to get a dog at the urging of her new family, she thought I would be pretty cool. Originally she wanted to name me  George or Charlie. Bryan was not in love with these names, so they thought about it at lunch while I got a bath. At lunch they decided since they love Disney World and they got married there one week earlier, to name me Mickey after Mickey Mouse. I still don't really respond to this name, but I will pay attention to them one day.

On the car ride home, I sat in Dani's lap and cried the entire way to Parker. This made Dani and Bryan very nervous. When we got to the house, I went potty outside. The first night they put me in a kennel and I cried and cried. I peed in my kennel because I did not realize this would be the place I was supposed to hang out in during the day when no one is home and the place I need to sleep in at night. For the first few nights I cried. A lot. Dani and Bryan put me down in the basement and made sure the door to the storage room was closed, the main basement door was closed, and their bedroom door. Dani wore earplugs. Then a few days later, two little munchkins arrived named Camden and Torrin. Apparently they live here too. I am kind of confused because sometimes they are here, and sometimes they are not. When they are here, I am wild. I take things, I run around, I poop in the house, and I like to bite-especially Torrin.

After a few nights in the kennel, Bryan put me in their bedroom. I have 5 beds, and he put me in the red one. I was great all night. I peed on the floor once and pooped, but other than that, I did not cry. They let me do this for three nights then decided to put me back in the kennel. I was so mad. I barked, hit my kennel door and was not happy.

Last weekend we went to Ft. Collins to see Dani's sister Denise and her family. Dani put my blue bed in my kennel and Bryan said they should try and put me in the kennel in the car ride up there. I loved it! I was asleep most of the way up there. Then when we got there, I ran around with my cousin dog Sophie, made her really jealous and mad, pooped and peed in the house, and that is about it.  Since then, I have grown to love my kennel. I am still really mad when they put me in it and then leave the house, but I don't go potty in there, I sleep all night until 5:30 a.m. in there, and I have been going in there on my own every now and then. If I am in the kennel, I need to know someone is close by so I won't cry. I say I am doing pretty well with the kennel thing. Being on a leash? Not so much....Potty Training? Yeah, not so well either.

So as I said before, the first week I was a super mellow puppy. Everyone loved me, I went potty outside, I pretty much was a dream puppy. Dani was thrilled I was a puppy that did not make her want to scream. Well, after I got used to my new home, I discovered a love of shoes. I am 5 lbs but I can run like crazy with a ladies size 10 and a man's size 12 shoe in my teeth. I have mad skills. Lately I like chewing on the corners of area rugs, pillows, anything with a seam. I really, really love chasing Torrin and chewing on his clothes....while he is wearing them. Last night Bryan and Dani were getting ready for bed in their bathroom, I went into their shower and peed. At least I was in the shower!

Today Dani took me out every hour and I went potty most of the time. Then at 3 p.m. I decided to pee on the floor as soon as I came in from outside. Then I did it again-and I did not even have any water! While Bryan was picking up Camden from school, Dani turned her head to get a pot from the cabinet and what did I do? I pooped. I know I get told Good Boy when I am outside and I go potty, and I get my yummy peanut butter treats,  but I do not understand what is wrong about going potty in the house. Dani gets very upset, and she is tired of cleaning up pee. The Bissel steam cleaner is getting a LOT of use.

The thing that frustrates my family is I am so cute. I really am. You should see me when I sleep. I am ADORABLE. I like curling up on the couch. I really like sleeping on my back with my paws in the air. It looks painful but I enjoy it. I have slowly stopped eating my poop and I have moved on to things like twigs, branches and slippers. Here are some weird ways I sleep:

I know I am a handful, but did I mention I am ADORABLE?! I just hope Dani grows to love me. I mean she likes me, but with me going potty in the house, she is definitely not a fan of me right now.

That is all for now. I need to chase my tail some more, chew on some pillows, and then fall asleep in the crack of the sofa cushions. I hope I don't barf in my kennel tonight like I did last night.



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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!