Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I can't believe I am actually writing this much this week. I just want to remember things and since I don't have time to write them down on paper I am going to jot them down on here.

I also can't believe it has been a month since we got married, and a month until we go on our honeymoon!

The other night, somehow Bryan and I were talking about marriage, and Bryan asked me if I planned on going anywhere. I responded without thinking, "No, but you never know what is going to happen." I meant it in terms of no one knows what is going to happen. I have no intentions of going anywhere, or not being married to him. I tried to explain to him that no one goes into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce. Sure, some people do, but the majority go into it thinking the person they are marrying is going to be the one they will be with for the rest of their lives. So my comment was not meant to be mean, but it was truthful. I want to be with him forever, but I am not a psychic. One can only hope for the best, and work hard at the marriage!

The strange thing was, this morning I dropped Mikaya and Torrin off at their class and then Camden and I went to the playground. He asked me, "Are you and Daddy going to stay married forever?" I said Yes. He asked if I was sure because "some people marry one, two, even three people." I said I was not going anywhere and he said, "Yes you are." I told him I am not and he said, "Yes you are. Sometimes you have to go to the store and that is going somewhere." Excellent point. I told Bryan about what he said and he asked me if I responded to him with "You never know what is going to happen." Oops. I feel bad I ever said that as it did not come out the way I wanted :( I will never live that one down.

Another note: In 2011 I have a lot of resolutions. A lot. Not so much resolutions, but more of things I want to do/change about myself and my life. A huge one I need to focus on is to be grateful for the small things in my life. To focus on things that are going great because I do have a lot of great things. I am never satisfied-my parents always told me this and I hated it, but the more I think about it-it is very true. So for tonight, here are my things I am grateful for:

-Mickey only had one accident in the house
-I got some pictures of the wedding edited
-I went to Archivers and Container Store-managed to use three store credits on things I will hopefully use
-I had delicious spaghetti for lunch thanks to my mom brining her yummy sauce by yesterday
-I worked out
-I then went to Qdoba to have yummy Queso and some noodles from Noodles and Company
-We made it to one month of marriage (that was easy!)
-We have only one month until our honeymoon
-The puppy is super cute right now laying besides me as I type this
-I have all day tomorrow and nothing planned (except taking the puppy out-a lot)

That is all for tonight! More to come....


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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!