Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Crazy Week

Wow oh wow have we been busy! So much has been accomplished in this week of vacation but we leave tomorrow. I have taken a ridiculous amount of pictures but I hope to post some on here, although the people who read this, probably already get the links I sent out to the albums. Here is a little recap from the days.

Day 1: We flew into Philly as you know and arrived at the farm. Here is where we were staying most of the week.
They have 77 amazing acres. I am in awe of it!  Camden immediately wanted to go on the tractor with Great Grandpa:
That night before bed, they went looking for lightning bugs. Bryan was great getting them in the jar!

Day 2: Great Grandpa and Grandma have a sailboat and belong to a sailing club. We decided we were going to spend the day on the lake and go sailing. Before we went to the lake, Great Grandpa said we should go to Wawa and order something for lunch. They have computers where you order everything you want and the order comes out. He loves it and we thought it was pretty cool as well. When we got to the lake, we were lucky beacuse no one was there and we were able to eat lunch outside and then all ride on the motorized boat. Bryan, Camden, Torrin and me all got to drive the boat. It was my first time.

The boys had a great time having the "beach" to themselves:
 Great Grandpa took us out on the sailboat too!
Here are some other pictures from that afternoon. I love that Camden and Torrin met their great grandparents.

After a long day at the lake, the boys passed out in the car.  Time for me to do the same-just in a bed, not in a car. More to follow:

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!