Wednesday, June 9, 2010


It seems like forever we have been planning this trip to see Bryan's grandparents and here I am sitting in their house typing away. We are all sitting around, talking while I upload pictures.

Being that I am new to this step mom thing, I did not realize just how many bags and stuff we had to take.  It looked like we were going away for a month. Two car seats, a double stroller, diapers, wipes, Pull Ups, a potty seat, clothes, shorts, jeans, old shoes, Crocs, swimsuits, life vests, etc. Holy cow a lot of bags!
I was a bit worried about traveling with the kiddos, but Bryan and I did great. We had it down to a science and made it through security without a problem. We were so happy to have the TV's on the plane for the boys and were they inetrested in them? For about 30 minutes and that was about it. Overall they did really well.

When we got to Philly we got our 4,000 pieces of luggage super fast and we went on the shuttle bus to get the car. Do you know what they gave Bryan?  One of my favorite things on the planet in Philly: soft pretzels. Bryan does not look happy here but I was thrilled. So were the boys!
We are rolling in a new Town and Country Mini Van. Although I am not one for mini vans, this one is pretty awesome with two kids and a ton of luggage. It has two DVD screens so the boys were entertained on the way to Bridgeton. Torrin resisted sleeping all day until we almost arrived at the "farm."
Speaking of sleep, I am exhausted so I am off to bed. I will write more tomorrow.

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!