Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

It is hard to believe 2010 is coming to a close in 63 minutes. Where did the time go? It seems like time goes faster and faster every year. This time last year I was not even engaged. Now, I am married and a step mom. This year was filled with changes, vacations, broken feet (yes, two of them), moving in with 3 men and two dogs, getting my first puppy, etc. So many changes in only 12 months. Now I sit here in Ft.Collins, on the computer. My sister is next to me on her computer. Jeff and Bryan are in the other room watching Jersey Shore. I have never seen the show, nor do I intend to. I find it odd they are watching this. Quinn and Ethan are downstairs playing Play Station. Such family bonding we have. Sophie (my sister's dog) is staring down our dog Mickey as if to say, "Why are YOU in MY house?" They have a love/hate relationship but this is to be expected as Mickey is a puppy and Sophie is used to being the queen. I hope they grow to love each other during the week they spend together when we are in Jamaica.

Today Bryan and I drove up here, spent an hour trying to print our New Years newsletter at his Dad's house (we were unsuccessful so people might get an email instead), came to the Holders household, hung out, then went to Old Chicago's for dinner. There was a balloon guy there and he had a button on that said Happy New Year-scrolling electronically. Pretty awesome. Dinner was fun, then we headed next door to the movie theater. The same movie theater where my now husband first told me he loved me. That was October 9th, 2009 at 9:09 p.m. Yes, I remember the day and the time. I am weird like that. I can't believe it has been almost 1 year and 3 months since we were last at that movie theater and how much has changed since then.

We saw The Fighter. I honestly believe this was the first movie I have seen in a movie theater with my sister in my 34 years of life. Perhaps we saw a movie together when we were kids, but I have no recollection of it. Bryan asked if we went together when we were teenagers. Um, she is 9 years older than me. She did not want to hang out with me back in the day. We were not a family who went to movies together. I remember road trips, but not family outings. It was cool to go to a movie with my sister, brother in law, husband (still so weird to say and write) and my two oldest nephews. Quinn and I sat next to each other-we had some laughs at things that were not supposed to be funny (the movie was a "Close to the Hole Production"-we are terrible)-Christian Bale and his movie mom sang together and we wondered if they were in the glee club like my mom was (she has always told people she was in the Glee Club. It is one of our favorite Nana-isms). We joke that Quinn is my biological son as we are so much alike. As the movie went on for what seemed like a long time, we both said how it seemed really long with nothing going on. I love that kid.

All of this is rambling, as always. I will post pictures when I get a chance to upload them. They are not fabulous but they are something.

Here's hoping 2011 will be amazing!

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Parker, Colorado, United States
Taking it one day at a time while sharing the events of my ordinary and random life!